• 2020 Sextant Ma Ma Mia

2020 Sextant Ma Ma Mia

We really like wines that are made from macerated Pinot Gris (the grapes purchased from Patrick Besson and grown on granitic soil) and this one is no exception. The skin of the Pinot Gris grape variety is flecked with red/pink spots which, when the skin is left in contact with the juice for 12 days, gives up the colour to the juice.

Julien Altaber transfers the juice to old wooden barrels to mature for 8 months prior to bottling. The fermentation happened very quickly this year. This wine can accompany just about any type of food including spicy dishes.

This is a lovely, lovely drink. The level of tannins is just right for a wide range of foods and the complexity of the wine shines through and lasts and lasts.

Note that this wine is closed with a glass stopper, so no chance of cork taint. The alcohol level is delightfully low at 11%.

- Living Wines

Regular price
Wine with no additions, wild yeast, and sustainable farming.